SIXTH form students from a school in Ledbury have completed a 14k run to raise money for charity.

Students from John Masefield High School in Ledbury got their running shoes on as they ran from Malvern and back to the school to raise money for the Alzheimers Society.

The run was organised by sixth former Lucas Recordon, sports captain of the sixth form, with 41 students taking part in the run across the Malvern Hills, through fields, tracks and pavements back to the school.

Students completed the 14k run which was created to help raise funds for the Alzheimer's Society.

Ledbury Reporter: Raising funds for Alzheimers Society was the motivation behind the runRaising funds for Alzheimers Society was the motivation behind the run (Image: Anna Hunt)

Anna Hunt, study room supervisor and learning mentor at John Masefield High School, said: "Today was momentous. 

"With just two days to go before Year 13s start their A levels, this event organised by Lucas Recordon) was such an incredible show of teamwork and collaboration.

"We are so proud of them. Every one of the runners, 41 of them (Year 12 and Year 13s) came across the finish line - and on the hottest day so far.

"We have raised £1462 for Alzheimer's Society, accomplishing 14.5km cross country from Malvern’s Rosebank Gardens to John Masefield High School, Ledbury."

Donations towards the fundraiser have resulted in almost £1500 being raised towards Alzheimers Society.

Those who wish to make their own contribution can do so by visiting the Just Giving page:

Mr Recordon said he was thrilled by the bigger-than-expected turnout for the event, which had a personal meaning behind his motivation to organise it.

Ledbury Reporter: John Masefield sixth form student Lucas Recordon organised the 14k runJohn Masefield sixth form student Lucas Recordon organised the 14k run (Image: Anna Hunt)

"This was such a great way to end our sixth form life at John Masefield High School," he said.

"I had no idea that so many would join us. My grandma had Alzheimer's and so many of those who have sponsored us have had personal experience of this devastating illness.

"Amazingly a member of the public handed £5 to us as we ran!

"My friends and peers ran the hills, woods and fields back to school and I am so chuffed with them all for making this such a great event."